题目:Multi-agent Solutions for Complex Systems


地点:计算机科学学院 会议室,一教1212




A complex system is featured with a large number of interacting components (entities), whose relationships are complicated and aggregate activities are nonlinear and self-organized such as sensors, customers and cars in transport systems, producers and consumers in Smart Gird systems, grid providers and users in grid/cloud computing, service providers/consumers in service-oriented software engineering, as well as autonomous agents in market-based environments. Due to the autonomous decision making of each entity, complicated relationships and distributed manner of these components, complex systems are hard to be simulated or modelled by using traditional computational approaches due to complex relationships among system components, distributed features of resources, and dynamics of environments. This talk will introduce our current projects and our multi-agent solutions to solving challenging issues in complex system development, including multi-agent solutions for smart grid systems and multi-agent approaches for emergency managements.


Dr Minjie Zhang于1982年获得中国复旦大学计算机科学学士学位,1992开始在澳大利亚新英格兰大学攻读硕士学位,并直升博士,于1996年获得博士学位。从1997年起,张博士分别在伊迪丝·考恩大学和纽卡斯尔大学担任讲师,卧龙岗大学(UOW)担任高级讲师和副教授。目前,张博士是澳大利亚UOW大数据分析和智能系统中心的教授和主任,也是IEEE和IEEE计算机协会的高级会员。
